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Hartford Church of England High School

Year 7 to Year 11 (In year) Admissions

Where families have moved into the area or wish to change the secondary school which their child attends locally, after the start of Year 7, these are called in-year or mid-year admissions.

Parents are always welcome to make applications to Hartford Church of England High School for in-year admissions and can do so via the following link:

Cheshire West and Chester Council website - In Year Transfers

Applications can also be made through the school.

Download an application form

We advise parents considering making an in-year application for Hartford Church of England High School to contact our Admissions Officer Mrs. Brown, via telephone 01060 786 000 or by email: admissions@hartfordhigh.co.uk. Mrs. Brown can offer advice and guidance to parents navigating this process. Mrs. Brown will also be able to provide the opportunity for prospective families to tour the school with our Head of Transition, Ms. Daniels.

Ms. Daniels, our Head of Transition, supports children as they embark on a significant change, settling into a new education setting during Years 7 to 11. It is Ms. Daniels who will allocate forms, arrange timetables and even find buddies who will be friendly faces (other students in a child’s year group) to act as guides to enable new students to get to know Hartford Church of England High School.

Please be aware that if we are full in a particular year group, parents are able to appeal to the school for a place. Parents should contact Mrs. Brown at admissions@hartfordhigh.co.uk or by telephone 01606 786 000 for further information and advice in this eventuality.