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Hartford Church of England High School

Year 7 to Year 11 (In year) Transition

When a child is allocated a place as an ‘In-Year’ admission, Ms. Daniels and Mrs. Brown ensure that they have the smoothest start possible to life as a student at Hartford Church of England High School.

If they haven’t done so already, they will be offered a tour of the school allowing them to get to know the school site and hopefully, some students and members of staff along the way!

Ms. Daniels, and Mrs. Brown will then guide families through the process of starting school. Initially, a start date will be agreed and, if students are joining the school in Years 10 or 11, an agreed set of options will be put together for non-compulsory subjects at Key Stage 4.

Families will be guided through purchasing uniform, setting up accounts for lunch money and other school funds, as well as any other administration necessary. Meanwhile, the school will generate a timetable and ensure that, having got to know them, they are in the most appropriate form within their year group.

On their first day, students will be allocated at least one ‘buddy’ to be a friendly face and to take them round school, helping them navigate their new timetable. Ms. Daniels will introduce them to their Head of Year and form tutor, enabling them to get to know as many people as possible. Ms. Daniels will check-in on them periodically, ensuring that they settle-in quickly to the Hartford Church of England High School so that they are ‘Happy’ and ‘Achieve’, are ‘Ready’ and feel a sense of ‘Together’ness with us as they move forward in their educational journey.