Key Staff
Hartford Church of England High School is led by a talented team of senior leaders who work alongside the Headteacher to ensure the school is constantly evolving and moving towards outstanding. Each senior leader has specific oversight of a key area of school development.
Working alongside Rachel Pickerill, Headteacher in leading the school are:
Mr M. Thompson, Deputy Headteacher - Quality of Education.
Mr C. Innes - Senior Assistant Headteacher - Data and Assessment (including all internal and external examinations)
Mrs H. Turner - Senior Assistant Headteacher - Designated Safeguarding Lead, Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attitudes
Mrs J. Williams - Assistant Headteacher - Director of Operations
Mr T. Lee - Assistant Headteacher - SENDCO, including Lead for Medical Needs
Mr J. Ingman - Assistant Headteacher - Strategic Lead for STEM, DT and Careers
Mr M. Spann - Assistant Headteacher - Teaching and Learning
Mr A. Brown - Assistant Headteacher - Lead for Attendance and Alternative Provision
Ms Z. Philippou - Associate Assistant Headteacher - Lead for Vocational Studies, Head of Performing Arts
Ms C. Davenport - Associate Assistant Headteacher - Lead for Progress and Outcomes, Lead Practitioner in English.
Alongside the teaching Senior Leadership Team, an outstanding team of associate (non-teaching staff) work alongside Joanne Williams (Assistant Headteacher) to lead the operational development of the school:
Mrs J. Walton - Business Manager: Finance
Mrs S. Morris - Business Manager: Personnel
Mrs D. Kettle - Data Management
Mr A. Alvin - Strategic IT Director
Mr R. Astles - Estates Manager
Mrs K. Brown - Office Manager, PA to the Headteacher
Ms M. Little - Exams Officer
Many other staff within school are leaders in their own right. Please see the Contact Us page for how to get in touch.